Saturday 8 October 2011

You Gotta Be Kidding Me

Westboro Baptist Church to protest Steve Jobs' funeral

Yes, the Westboro Baptist Church - the Kansas-based organization with a history of holding controversial and politically inflammatory protests - has announced that its members plan to picket the Apple co-founder's funeral, according to CBS affiliate WTSP.

Westboro Baptist Church to protest Steve Jobs' funeral

At so many levels I challenge this group who does just about everything but represent the name of Jesus.

I directly challenge this group to be consistent with their practices on themselves as they are on homosexuals, military and recently the great and late Mr. Jobs. I want to see big signs in their church and homes that read, "being disrespectful is dishonoring, and dishonor is sin", "A negative attitude is crushing to myself and others", "My spirit rots with unforgivness", "legalism kills" and "love hides a host of sins". Do these people hold up signs for their own? I mean, we all sin and miss the mark. Until they have signs at home and their church where 20 times a day they just randomly scream at their family for failing or missing the mark they have no credibility. Sadly, they embody hypocrisy. Calling out the spec in other's eyes and avoiding the plank in their own: and being proud of it!


Everywhere I read, 'for God so loved'...each and every person. Period. Unreal twisting and damage. Massive maligning of scripture and hearts.

I assure you, there is no prevailing 'prinicple overrider' that justifies their despicable acts of disrespect. Imagine with me if you would, you come home after a tough day out and your spouse notices you did not take the garbage out, like you said you would. You said one thing, did another. Oh, boy! Now, would like a sign painted and shoved in your face that reads, "Honor your word, sinner!", or would you like a hug from your spouse with a comment like, "looks like you had a tough day, so I took the garbage out for you". Then, if the issue really matters, there can be a mutually beneficial conversation about helping each other be accountable to what we say. Clearly, unless there are broken wires in our brain, we would choose the loving option. Jesus is love and there is nothing loving about their actions. I would love to have a debate with their pastor. Within 5 minutes he would be acknowledging contradicting views and be staring blankly at my eyes, or the ground.

Just for fun, as a believer in Jesus here is my message to those who knew and loved Mr. Jobs

Mr. Jobs has inspired me. He a man of innovation, leadership and he overcame adversity time and time again. I am saddened by his passing and pray for his family to have comfort and peace. Mr. Jobs inspired me to be a better husband, father and business man.

Sept 16th, I was in Toronto (at Eaton Center) on my fifth year with Abby and I was emotionally overwhelmed by the stark difference between Bell and Apple (both want to put technology units in our hands, so I figured in a loose sense it was a fair comparison). Here are the pics I took to make a facebook point. What an incredible appreciation I have for his development of gifts and how others benefit from them!

Friday 7 October 2011

A Philosopher, An Alarm Clock And Gusto: A Night Time Story

He may not have known this, but I was ecstatic and thrilled each time I had the privilege of walking into his philosophy class.  He was a very patient and brilliant man. Mr. From would teach us ever so succinctly on the thoughts of Descartes, Hume, Berkly, Hobbs and many other lovers of wisdom.  Do you ever sit and marvel at what you are seeing, hearing or feeling?  I had such a privilege. Thank you Mr. From for welcoming me into a greater world and teaching me about philosophy: I am a better business man for it.  Mr. From was prepared for each class. He gave us notes that we really did not follow, but it was helpful in that it outlined the logic of we did not get lost in Alpha Centarui land while  he argued (strictly from that philosophers perspective) experience cannot prove reality while I argued with him that a rock existed because I kicked it and hurt my toe.  I remember having nothing to come back with.  The freaking rock did not exist...oh, boy was I engaged! 
It was not all frills with Mr. From, for he was a hard man. We had these nasty things called assignments...where we had to write papers on what philosophers thought.  I scored very low on these.  Surprisingly that did not give me the downer. What gave me the downer was all the freaking red ink over my paper.  The tension inside of me was furious: thank you for telling me how to get better vs. you cruel man for telling me I'm wrong.  I swallowed a bitter pill knowing in the end I needed to receive his red-ink feedback in order to win in his class.  It got to the point where I eventually pleased him enough to get a A on a paper!!! Oh boy was that a great day. At the beginning of class 4 weeks from issuing the assignment,  Mr. From wanted a major paper submitted and feeding off the 'A' experience in his last class, I passionately worked to make this next paper my best submission yet!  I remember storing my cherished paper next to my Listerine bottle in my dorm room. Yep, that conceded little 20 year old college punk was me.  I remember removing that Listerine bottle off my paper (middle right side of pic) and trotting off to class to give Mr. From my best paper yet!

There was just 1 problem. My alarm did not go off! I was late for class!  I snatched my paper and violated all religious laws and skipped breakfast only to sprint over to my class and hark, I made it! The only snag was, I made it late.  I figured to do the sensible thing and give him my paper, after all, I worked  really hard on it!  With the entire class sitting down waiting for class to begin, I heard Mr. From say, "I said the beginning of class or you are late. I cannot accept this paper".  Being to chicken to make a scene, I opted to sit down. Flustered, I ignored his entire lesson only to devise a way to out wit him so that I could have my paper accepted and not get a '0'.  I had my logic down to a T and figured to speak to him when class was over.  I loaded my guns and fired off, "Mr. From, you must accept my paper because it's not my fault". "Oh, really" Mr. From said eager to learn. "Yep, you see I pay perfectly good money for the right to live in the dorm and you see, I expect certain services from the dorm, like regular electricity".  "That makes sense" Mr. From said.  "Ya, so when the college hires electricians to do after hours work that shuts the power off, my alarm clock goes with it!" Mr. From prompts me, "So...???" "So, I paid for a service and the electricians debunked my power causing my alarm clock to fail, it's their fault I was late for class and could not submit my paper at the beginning, and because you are a part of the same college and therefore same contract, you are responsible for acknowledging my lateness being a result of the colleges breach of contract".  I nailed him and was certain he would accept my best paper yet! Oh no! He spoke! "Ryan, you could have submitted this paper on time, your paper will not be received!".  "No way" I came back with, "How is it possibly my fault after what I said?"  He calmly suggested, "Well Ryan, could you have used a wind up clock that was not dependant on electricity? Could you have programed your body so that it would wake up at the same time every day such that alarm clock or not, you would have woken up and been on time? I dare think so!"  Crushed. He somehow nailed me.  I left bitter, inflamed and mad.  "What an abstract-a.hole" I horribly thought.  "Downright cruel." My best paper yet!  After I got over the perceived injustice (3 weeks later) I came to realize the most valuable lesson possible: I could have done more to hand that paper in on time! 12 years later, that lesson grew on me to the degree where I was absolutely convinced of it's value! What can I do to be a success?  Temporary failure, despite my emotion, pales in compassion to the value of learning that I am responsible for my success!  Mr. From, I humbly and gratefully would like to thank you for your investment in my career. You taught me not to whine, cry and whimper at my perceived injustice, but rather, to look inwards and realize how I could have done better.  You loved me and served me. I truly honor you and thank you for your choice to have mercy on my future, not my instant pleasure.  This is a major building block of my 'free market outlook', that I can be loved and taught all the while not being spoon fed.  I need to fight for answers and success.  Mr. From, it is no irony that you were teaching me about philosophy and reality all at once, you truly made the abstract practical.  Thank you.

Briercrest Faculty: Joel From
Tied for my best teacher ever, thank you for loving me.

Voter Story

"Odd, where's all the people?" I thought to myself as I parked my car. Oh well.  I had a jump in my step, excited to get in there and vote, only to realize Abby was 10 paces back.  Once she caught up, I triumphantly entered the school looking to do my duty: vote.  I was proud and happy.  Each slowed step down the well lit hallway, drew me ever so closer to that little gymnasium. En route, we passed little running shoes with coats on hangers and little crafts with lots of colours!  It reminded me of when I in grades 1-6 and ever so bitter that I had to give up phys'ed (the best subject of all!) for an entire day so nit-wit adults could vote.  We crossed into the gym and went to station 171 where there was a voter receiving instructions before they headed to mark their ballot.  We approached the station and luckily, there was tape on the ground with print saying, "stand behind yellow line".  With love in my voice and a soft tender word, I gracefully informed Abby she is 6.5" past that line.  She was undermining the entire democratic process and violating the rules.  She immediately drew her foot back and said "oh, sorry!" For her punishment, I opted to bud in front of her, only to hear, "what happened to ladies first?"...once the joke died, I let her back in line ahead of me.  While Abby was receiving detailed instructions on the process to mark an X beside a candidate's name, I was noticing a few X's of my own...I oversaw lists of voters and by 8:30pm, I had realized only a few X's per page: few indeed!  My heart sank and my spirits dwindled.  I had asked the elections lady, "why is it 8:30 and there are hardly any names crossed of your list?"  She said, "because I declared that you can only cast a ballot if you vote for the Green Party!" No, she actually said, "I know, this has not been a good day...people are just not showing up".  I marked my X beside the candidate of choice and left home, of course, with Abby.  I reflected on the way home about eating half my normal dose of pizza and the lack of thankfulness that drives Ontario's apathy in voting as well as their thirst for more, more more at the expense of debt, taxes and more debt. It was good driving 3 minutes to my voting station, and even better to drive home the value of thankfulness for what I have.

We Ontario Dogs Have Returned To Our Vomit*

Forgive the crassness of the title, it's the most accurate principle that lends understanding to the mandate for continued debt and government involvement in our free markets.  If you did vote Liberal, you are not a dog, I aint no H8'er. I am explaining a principle: read on maestro, read on.  There is a real thankfulness deficit in Ontario that translates into a ravenous appetite for programs racking up our fiscal debt.  The Ontario voters have repeated their folly.  We Ontarians did not feel enough pain to vote for the greater supporters of the free market, let alone pain enough to vote. Shame.  The individuals (over 50%!) who did not vote should go on a democratic-thankfulness-education trip to North Korea. The Ontarians who generally feel the most pain stand to benefit from McGuinty's liberal spending programs...their relief of pain comes by way of taking from the taxpayer via gov. paid programs.  The Liberal base believes in this "Forward. Together." mantra that says that those who have will share with those who do not...then the economy will truly grow togetherly and forwardly.  Although it's pie in the sky and the free market will suffer, that does not change the reality that democracy has spoken and the human condition is such that we return to what we want, even if it's bad for us.  My blog entries on Greece attempt to communicate that we are a lesser form of them.  They are broke, on the verge of bankruptcy and their people are protesting austerity cuts in the streets.  They don't get the concept you can't have what you can't pay for, to the point of violent protest (welcome London rioters looting...same idea).  Here in Ontario, we are giving the Liberals another mandate to rack up our debt beyond 250 billion in the name of giving people programs and government intervention to create this Utopian "Forward. Together" Ontario. 

Thankfulness must be the 'weapon of choice' of Ontario voters.  Pain will come. The government's gig of increasingly playing the harlot in our economy will eventually catch up with us, and them.  Government is lying in bed (inappropriately) with business, creating excessive regulation, taxes and hindrances to the free market.  This Liberal action plan is under girded by inept financial planning and poor accountability.  And there is a 250 billion+ debt to prove it. Liberals will not get out of bed with business and simply govern within their jurisdiction: for this we know.  They will encroach on the free market rescuing us from ourselves in the name of forwardness and togetherness (insert groan noises here).  I expect more debt and more excuses...and a bruised economy.  Then Ontario will experience pain that hopefully leads to change.

When that pain eventually comes (perhaps our children become infuriated with our selfish spending they are stuck with and reject debt being imposed on other generations??? Who knows?), I trust there will be an attitude of thankfulness that inspires a movement to free markets and conservative principles.  It's pretty difficult to covet other peoples possessions and wealth, when you are thankful for what you have.  Perhaps then we can end this 'relationship' the government is imposing within our free market and truly move forward, together.  A free market is the best way to do it. I only hope Ontario can figure it out before too much pain forces us to see the Greece like incompatibility of social utopia and paying for what you want.

Please Ontario, become a thankful people.  Thankful for the free market and what you have.  Let this thankfulness be the rock on which you cast your future votes, then perhaps we will not doggishly repeat our folly.
Congratulations to Mr. McGuinty and the Liberal Party on their victory.

*To be clear, I believe that every Ontario voter is equally valuable and important.  I make no slight against any Liberal voter lowering their status, intelligence or sincerity with my title or article. My point directs us to a collective Ontario that supports re-electing ANY government that believes increased debt and increased government involvement in the free market it okay/good.  Conservatives not voting is equally weighed within my point of repeating folly and returning to vomit as enablers of increased debt by not making a stand.  My point is a collective Ontario mindset that does not see debt as crushing, that does not see increased government involvement as crushing.  That is the folly of a collective Ontario (I said "We"/vomit, not "them"/vomit).

Loving The Earth, 1 Plant At A Time

You can contribute by eating meat.  What would make that poor plant any happier then eating this proud Turkey instead?

Eat Meat, Save a Plant...Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday 6 October 2011

On Behalf Of Mr. Hudak

Since Mr. Hudak rambled on 87 bunny trails and confused his closest supporters, I will help make his points.
Mr. Hudak really meant to tell y'all that he really wanted to make this election about 1 simple thing: the economy.  Mr. McGuinty brags about massive spending programs to help the economy.  Mr. Hudak intended to tell you that the entire Liberal tax and spend agenda is about class warfare and redistribution.  He intended to articulate clearly that governments have no business running and planning the economy.  Mr. Hudak really thinks we the people of Ontario should fight through tough times and the government should get out of the way, not dive in and spend, create, and waste. 
The Liberals justify damaging our children's future with a suffocating debt load because the 'here and now' relief of pain trumps core values like: personal responsibility, consequences to choices and fighting through adversity.

Mr. Hudak intended to clearly communicate that his sole mission will be to lower debt and limit government intervention in the economy.  There will be some pain since we are not allowing debt to pacify our instant cries.  But that is okay.  A 3 year old who freaks out because they do not get a second bowl of ice cream is really learning a valuable lesson...limits are imposed on us for our benefit, despite the immediate pain of not getting our way.  Debt and program spending is Dalton's way to give that screaming child the extra bowl...after all, the cries never stop.   

Mr. Hudak intended to have the backbone to stand behind this message.  He foreknew there would be incredible backlash and really planned to have a response: a logical argument as to how his conservative principles truly value people and families.

He meant to stay the course, I'm sure of it.  So, in lieu of Mr. Hudak going off course and likely blowing the election, I encourage you with his logical questions and responses on what should have been the only topic he opened his mouth on. 

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Clouds Looming Over Ontario

Ontario set to vote amid signs of historic three-peat for McGuinty Liberals

Numbly I struggle to type, thinking how to hold supper down. The dawn of a debt-driven, social-handout government is set to take their third kick at our cans via a promise to spend, spend, spend. Oh how foolish the Ontario electorate! In the intellectually simulating t.v program, "Blue's Clue's", we are offered in the informative "Frustration" episode to 'stop, breath and think'. Darn it Steve, you're right.

Here are the 3 predictions I see over the next 4 years:

Blue's Clue #1 (yes, this is an intentional pun off of being more conservative, 'blue' was part of my thinking process) You can only spit in the free markets face so long before she gets offended and leaves us...Government spending to 'invest' in the economy is simply a scam and a lie. It's like rounding up piles of cash and burning it. We have a suffering economy, massive debt and lagging innovation to show for his 'investments'. Socialism is like stinky comes in different degrees...and they all stink. This 'lets pillage the free market, divert capital from the earners, morph it into tax revenue and hand it out for all to get ahead' disaster is refereed to as "Forward. Together". Sure Liberals. I guess it's better then "Annihilating. Wealth."  And when our (solar, et. al) deals go bust? Deny reality and spend more. Oh, and brag about what else you flushed cash sure to call them investments, and of course, avoid talking about debt. Ontario voters are too selfish and 'me oriented' to weigh our Provinces debt against the value of's all too easy to piss on the next generation and get them wet...arguing pee is sterile so it's all good. The free market will leave us. Debt will grow, innovation will lag, jobs will be lost. And the Liberals will blame others because 'personal responsiblity' is a cruel term that hurts the feelings of selfish people.

Blue's Clue #2 Environmental Worship and government run economies lack discipline, accountability and transparency. I predict increased secrecy and major cost overruns in government programs. I predict increased useless regulation. The Liberals uphold their watchful eye of permission and control within their programs. When a government commands, "Forward. Together." then they order the steps, not the free market...which means they make the rules, which means they enforce the rules. Crap...we can guess where this is going.

Blue's Clue #3 A Strong Conservative leader will rise up who does not undermine the electorate with boring useless topics. Hudak had a great case to make: Liberals ruined our economy and rather then begging for forgiveness, the Libs want to spend more and regulate more! Dalton lies (lacks integrity) and takes the voters for granted. Clearly there is not enough pain for the Conservatives to elect a strong leader. Obviously there is not enough pain for the Liberals to be canned. 4 years from now I do not expect to say, "I told you so", but I do expect a hungry electorate ready and craving a clear minded, well articulated visionary leader who can explain how Cconservative principles both work and show compassion to all Ontarians. Until then, yelp!

Clouds Looming Over Ontario

Ontario set to vote amid signs of historic three-peat for McGuinty Liberals

Numbly I struggle to type, thinking how to hold supper down. The dawn of a debt-driven, social-handout government is set to take their third kick at our cans via a promise to spend, spend, spend. Oh how foolish the Ontario electorate! In the intellectually simulating t.v program, "Blue's Clue's", we are offered in the informative "Frustration" episode to 'stop, breath and think'. Darn it Steve, you're right.

Here are the 3 predictions I see over the next 4 years:

Blue's Clue #1 (yes, this is an intentional pun off of being more conservative, 'blue' was part of my thinking process) You can only spit in the free markets face so long before she gets offended and leaves us...Government spending to 'invest' in the economy is simply a scam and a lie. It's like rounding up piles of cash and burning it. We have a suffering economy, massive debt and lagging innovation to show for his 'investments'. Socialism is like stinky comes in different degrees...and they all stink. This 'lets pillage the free market, divert capital from the earners, morph it into tax revenue and hand it out for all to get ahead' disaster is refereed to as "Forward. Together". Sure Liberals. I guess it's better then "Annihilating. Wealth". And when our (solar, et. al) deals go bust? Deny reality and spend more. Oh, and brag about what else you flushed cash sure to call them investments, and of course, avoid talking about debt. Ontario voters are too selfish and 'me oriented' to weigh our Provinces debt against the value of's all too easy to piss on the next generation and get them wet...arguing pee is sterile so it's all good. The free market will leave us. Debt will grow, innovation will lag, jobs will be lost. And the Liberals will blame others because 'personal responsiblity' is a cruel term that hurts feelings of selfish people.

Blue's Clue #2 Environmental Worship and government run economies lack discipline, accountability and transparency. I predict increased secrecy and major cost overruns in government programs. I predict increased useless regulation. The Liberals uphold their watchful eye of permission and control within their programs. When a government commands, "Forward. Together" then they order the steps, not the free market...which means they make the rules, which means they enforce the rules. Crap...we can guess where this is going.

Blue's Clue #3 A Strong Conservative Leader will rise up who does not undermine the electorate with boring useless topics. Hudak had a great case to make: Liberals ruined our economy and rather then begging for forgiveness, the Libs want to spend more and regulate more! Dalton lies (lacks integrity) and takes the voters for granted. Clearly there is not enough pain for the conservatives to elect a strong leader. Obviously there is not enough pain for the Liberals to be canned. 4 years from now I do not expect to say, "I told you so", but I do expect a hungry electorate ready and craving a clear minded, well articulated visionary leader who can explain how conservative principles both work and show compassion to all Ontarians. Until then, yelp!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Moving Beyond Spin

The feeble human mind often needs an interpreter...everyone, welcome the media.

If you work hard, think and passionately love your country, then you should be bothered, at least, by the onslaught of left and right wing spin.

When will the merit of thought and idea's lay the groundwork for development of policy?
If you are reading this entry, odds are you work too hard and are annoyed by the media groups defining a position of thought on your behalf.  The media almost says, "you are too stupid to think, so we will do it for you"...check out this:

Can you think of a more stupid question? Because you are an evil right wing freak and pose a threat to the common public, I will construct a question to undermine your very existence...why are you poison?  Wolf, take a chill pill and go back to journalism school.  The sad truth hurts, and it's sad Mr. Cain had to tell it like it is, in such a forceful way: brainwashed.  Reality often sucks. Now what?  More media spin is like government stimulus...creates a false reality that delays pain.  Enough of the false reality...lose the spin and embrace something's best for us the long run.

The Debate The Democrats Fear

He's logical, smart and knows how to make money, congratulations Mr. Cain. 
Although race should be completely irrelevant in the upcoming Federal Election there are nit-wit's on the left who are making this about race. With Herman Cain happening to be African-American, the left will have to find a new area to yelp and cry over...or will they?  The sad response of the left is they continue to overlook facts, reality and human decency and still attacks Mr. Cain calling him an Oreo cookie.   I truly think going to this level will only hurt the lefts aggressive tender for re-election (there's an oxymoron).  Although I think supporting a candidate on merit (unless their voice squeals and sounds whiny like Ron Paul) is the only way to cast support, I do happen to think from a marketing perspective (and merit), Herman Cain would be a fantastic choice, and here is why:
He, like Mr. Obama is both smart and eloquent with words.  As I've said, unless the left embarrasses themselves, race no longer should be a factor so all that remains is 'merits of idea's'.  Oh-Oh, that does not bode well for the in-the-Obama-bag media!  The free market vs. socialized state welfare: class warfare.  Bailouts vs. 'make it on your own'.  Real Change is in the air! Bring on the debate!  Keep up the great work Mr. Cain!

Monday 3 October 2011


Amanda Knox wins appeal, to be freed

U.S. student Amanda Knox was acquitted of murder and sexual assault by an Italian court on Monday after breaking down in court and pleading for mercy in a dramatic end to her four-year legal battle.